indian jewel
tyn 6
prague, czech republic
222 310 156
type of cuisine: indian
culinary excellence: 7
vegan friendliness: 6
we had been planning to check out the eats at the hotel cerna liska, but found ourselves lured by the smells and lovely outdoor seating area of indian jewel, in a quieter part of old town. the service was very nice and the waiter told us with certainty which items contained dairy and which did not.
all the food was brought out together - tasty samosas:
a really nice potato/cauliflower dish:
a weird-tasting pureed mustard greens dish, with coriander seeds and some odd flavor that i couldn't discern:
good, lightly-oiled naan, which i forgot to take a picture of before guzzling half of it:
eating outside in prague seems very romantic at first, and you surely get better food porn pics, but then you have to contend with smokers and close proximity to the conversations of grumpy people, so it's a gamble.
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